Sunday, December 26, 2010

Villa Mairea final hybrid painting/collage

Guache, ink, and oil on duralar, pencil and ink on vellum and paper, ink on lithograph, basswood

December 21st, Winter Solstice, 3:14 Sunset

Laser cut chipboard, acrylic paint, overhead projector, ink on duralar

Materials/Color - South Elevation

Oil on duralar and pencil on vellum

Diagrams - Forest Space/Function Space/Hybrid Space

oil on acetate

Diagrams - Cubust/Impressionist Painting influences

acetate plans and elevations over photographs

Plan and Elevation Orthogonal Drawings

Villa Mairea - Ground Floor/Site Plan
2nd Floor
South Elevation
East Elevation
East section through living room with Alvar Aalto furniture

Axonometric - Villa Mairea Staircase

Cavalier oblique axonometric of Villa Mairea staircase


Perspective concept sketches

One Point Perspective: Interior of the living room looking into the courtyard

Rhino Daylighting Models

My first Rhino models ever!

Daylight renderings: June 21st, noon